Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Matthew Sweet, The Guess Who and aliens in Omaha...

Sorry for disappearing, folks! It's been a busy week and a half here in The Big O and we've had home improvement on the back burner while we continued to explore the city. (I also indulged in a lot of daytime TV while Mr. P was out of town and there was no one to make me feel guilty about choosing Tyra over spackle.)

One of the greatest ways to explore Omaha is through its music and summer festival scene. First up, 90's rocker Matthew Sweet at one of the hippest music venues in town: The Slowdown.


You may remember Matthew Sweet from his hit song "Girlfriend"...or, like me, you may not. But then I heard the song and had one of those "ooooooooooooh" moments. It's not Matthew's fault. If your name isn't "The Beatles" you can be pretty sure I have no idea what songs are yours or what band you're in.


Anywho it was a great show in a great space and I rocked out to a bunch of songs I'd never heard before.

Next up on the list is a free concert in Memorial Park (they have a lot of free shows...it's great).


Performing were Grand Funk Railroad and The Guess Who. I'll be honest, Grand Funk Railroad was a little harder for me to place - I've never been a huge fan of jam bands - but they were great. But The Guess Who stole the show. And yes, you DO know The Guess Who - they wrote "American Woman" (for those of you under 30, Lenny Kravitz remade their song a few years ago) along with other awesome hits like "These Eyes." Design Assistant Magnus is a huge fan:


What a great show! There was music, dancing, food, 45,000 people (many who clearly came from the far-off lands of rural Nebraska), and GLOW STICKS! Let's see what happens when you give a three year old 20 glow sticks and not enough supervision:


Kidding! Well not about this being a three year old covered in glow sticks but about the lack of supervision. In fact, here's his daddy, the creator of his adorable son's "Tron" costume:


The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, huh? Ha! The concert ended with a beautiful pre-Fourth of July fireworks show:


(FYI - Design Assistant Magnus does NOT love fireworks which is odd because he has such an eye for color.)

This weekend we went to the Omaha Summer Art Festival held downtown. Hundreds of artists and food vendors (VIPs, in my book) lined the street and shopped their wares.


My favorite piece? This groovy alien-themed hearse complete with "dead alien" on the roof:



We ended the afternoon with a stroll through beautiful downtown Omaha where other than one dicey moment when Design Assistant Magnus fell into the river (we quickly fished him out but had to enjoy the smell of wet dog and river water the whole way home) it was a lovely afternoon!


1 comment:

  1. To think you were worried that Magnus would eat mushrooms....now you are using him for fish bait. Mr.P Magnus does look a little like the bread balls you used to catch bass out of the pond behind the cottage.


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